Technician ( a ) in monitoring and evaluation

Job advertisement : Feb 03/2023

Publication cancellation date : May 4, 2023, 9:59:00 PM

Organizational Unit: FAO Partnership and Liaison Office in Colombia

Job type : Temporary work

Requirement Type: NPP ( National Project Personnel )

Grade Level: N / A

Main location : Colombia

Duration: 2 months, renewable

Position Number: N / A

FAO seeks to ensure gender, geographic and linguistic diversity among its staff and its international consultants, in order to serve the Member States of the Organization in the best possible way in all regions.

  •  FAO is committed to achieving diversity in its workforce in terms of sex, nationality, origin and culture.
  •  Women, nationals of under-represented or under-represented Member States and persons with disabilities with the necessary qualifications are encouraged to submit their applications.
  •  All persons working for FAO must comply with the highest standards of professional integrity and conduct and uphold FAO’s values.
  •  FAO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, applies a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with its statute, objectives and mandate, in particular sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination.
  •  All selected candidates will undergo rigorous reference and background checks.
  •  All requests will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

Organizational framework

FAO provides support in specialized technical cooperation processes to entities of the National and Territorial Government in the field of Human Right to Food, sustainable rural development, rural poverty and sustainable management of natural resources, generating capacities at the community, organizational and institutional levels through the formulation and application of policies; generation, administration, access, and exchange of information and knowledge; as well as with the promotion and participation in networks, alliances and associations; that promote the management of programs and projects, all aimed at the eradication of hunger, the end of poverty and the reduction of inequalities.

The purpose of this call is to respond to the demands of personnel, for the execution of the different programs and projects, and to provide the FAO Office Colombia with a list of candidates/as with qualified profiles in the area of monitoring and evaluation.

Hierarchical dependency

The incumbent will be under the general supervision of the FAO Representative in Colombia, the Program Officer and will work closely with the coordinator/a and the technical team of the project.

Field of specialization

The Missionary Technician in Monitoring and Evaluation is responsible for supporting the design and implementation of the project monitoring and evaluation plan.

Tasks and responsibilities

  •  Present your work plan in FAO format, according to the expected products of these RTs.
  •  Monitor compliance with the results and impact indicators, maintaining coherence and viability with the Logical Framework, the Operational Plan and the project goals.
  •  Process the necessary information to feed the databases and indicators proposed under the project.
  •  Define the methodology for capturing information from the field and its inclusion in the information system of the Representation.
  •  Define the mechanisms for generating early warning of arrears and proposed solutions to said arrears, based on the guidelines of the Representation.
  •  Present a detailed work plan specifying the tasks to be carried out, as well as the means of verification to be delivered, according to the tools defined by the Representation.
  •  Elaborar el plan de monitoreo y evaluación de los proyectos que se le asignen, de acuerdo al formato disponible para este fin.
  •  Realizar seguimiento a la recolección de información del proyecto por los equipos técnicos, que sea definida en el plan de monitoreo y evaluación de los proyectos que se le asignen.
  •  Analizar la información diseñada para cada uno de los resultados y productos a lograr por los proyectos que se le asignen (línea de base, encuesta de evaluación de avances, etc).
  •  Socializar el plan de Monitoreo y Evaluación de los proyectos que se le asignen, con los respectivos equipos.
  •  De acuerdo al formato de informe mensual de la FAO, presentar los avances de los proyectos que se le asignen con base en los indicadores definidos.
  •  Monitor progress reports ( internal and external ) are delivered on time by technical teams and review that they respond to defined indicators.
  •  Support the technical teams in the correct and punctual development of the Monitoring and Evaluation plan for the projects assigned to them.
  •  Feed the Representation information system ( Data bases, digital file, alignment and reporting matrices, among others, etc ), monthly, in order to systematically and continuously monitor the activities carried out, as well as the products and results of the different results of the projects assigned to it.
  •  Support the preparation of progress reports to resource partners, as well as the corresponding semi-annual and final reports.
  •  Promote the generation and dissemination of good gender practices in accordance with FAO’s gender equality policy.
  •  Keep absolute reservation in relation to all the information you handle on the occasion of the activities of the process or program in which you provide your services and of the Entity in general, that it be disclosed to you on the occasion of this contract. The Contractor must take care of the information to which it has access, avoiding its destruction or improper use. Likewise, it is not allowed to give access or display files, documents or files to unauthorized persons.
  •  Carry out the performance evaluation of the projects assigned to it, according to the methodology and formats defined by the Representation.
  •  Actively participate in the meetings of the Representation Monitoring group.
  •  Provide the required information on the progress status of the project, which will be presented in the different committees.
  •  Digitally archive, according to the instructions in the program area, the means of verification produced by the projects assigned to it.
  •  The other actions inherent to his position, assigned by his supervisor, that are related to the nature of the position.


Minimum requirements

  •  Professional with training in areas of knowledge of: systems engineering; industrial engineering; environmental engineering, agro-industrial engineering; agricultural sciences; economics, administration or related careers.
  •  Minimum one year of experience with monitoring and evaluation of rural development programs / projects.
  •  Spanish domain ( C level ) spoken and written.
  •  Colombian nationality.

FAO core competencies

  •  Results-based approach
  •  Teamwork
  •  Communication
  •  Building effective relationships
  •  Knowledge exchange and continuous improvement

Technical / functional skills

  •  Ability to analyze issues related to project monitoring.
  •  Excellent oral and written skills.
  •  Teamwork ability, good interpersonal relationships and assertive communication skills.
  •  Excellent communication skills, writing, teamwork with multidisciplinary and multicultural groups.
  •  Analytical and problem solving ability, maintaining the serenity and good management of interpersonal relationships.
  •  Ability to take initiative and work with minimal supervision.
  •  Ability to organize and plan tasks.
  •  Ability to solve problems.
  •  Teamwork ability, good interpersonal relationships and assertive communication skills.
  •  Ability to use Microsoft Excel, and / or programs for information analysis.
  •  Communication skills and knowledge transmission.
  •  Ability to act at all times with extreme discretion regarding United Nations documents, information and materials.
  •  Permanent attitude and behavior of cordiality, composure, respect and collaboration with all the people and organizations with whom it interacts.
  •  Act at all times with extreme discretion regarding FAO’s own documents, information and materials.
  •  Permanente actitud y comportamiento de cordialidad, compostura, respeto y colaboración con todas las personas y organizaciones con quienes interactúa FAO.

Criterios de selección

  •  Mínimo un año de experiencia con monitoreo y evaluación de programas/proyectos de desarrollo rural.
  •  Experiencia de mínimo de un año en el manejo de bases de datos.
  •  Experiencia de mínimo un año en redacción y presentación de informes de monitoreo.
  •  Experiencia laboral certificada.
  •  Manejo de Excel intermedio – avanzado


  •  La FAO no cobra tasas en ninguna etapa del proceso de contratación (solicitud, entrevista, tramitación).
  •  Las solicitudes incompletas no se tendrán en cuenta. Si necesita ayuda o tiene dudas, contacte con: Careers@fao.org
  •  Las solicitudes recibidas después del vencimiento del plazo de presentación de solicitudes no se aceptarán.
  •  Le informamos que la FAO solo considerará los títulos o credenciales académicos obtenidos en una institución de enseñanza incluida en la Base de datos mundial sobre educación superior, la cual es una lista mantenida por la Asociación Internacional de Universidades (IAU)/UNESCO. La lista puede ser consultada en: www.whed.net/
  •  Para cualquier otra cuestión visite el sitio web de la FAO sobre empleo: http://www.fao.org/employment/home/es/.

Se hace notar que todos los candidatos deberían adherirse a los valores de la Organización de compromiso con la FAO, respeto hacia todos e integridad y transparencia.


  •  If you want to apply, go to the FAO Recruitment Website ( Employment in FAO ) and complete your online profile.
  •  Incomplete applications will not be taken into account. Only applications received through the contracting portal will be considered.
  •  We advise candidates to submit their application sufficiently in advance of the expiration of the term.
  •  If you need help, contact: Careers@fao.org.